Saturday, August 25, 2012


Are you new to the Grove area? Are you new to MOPS? Are you curious what MOPS is all about, but not quite sure its for you or your child(ren)? Then come on out to COS on WED AUG 29th! Meet the leadership team, the childcare workers, and take your little ones on a tour of our super fun 'Lego Room'!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hi ladies! Hope you all had a fabulous summer, and that those of you with school aged children have been able to get back into the swing of it all! Which brings me to...It's time for MOPS again, HOORAY! We definitely have some announcements and changes for the upcoming year, so please read carefully...


  • 2012-2013 MOPS of Grove Annual Membership Fee = $55, however your first meeting is free so please come visit us! Scholarships (full and partial) are available and kept anonymous.
  • Morning meeting time change: All a.m. meetings will begin promptly at 9:30am and end at 11:30am.
  • Childcare is available for a.m. meetings ONLY, through the MOPPETS program, and the cost is covered in your annual membership fees. If you plan to utilize childcare for any given meeting, it is imperative that you respond to either the meeting reminder email or text and RSVP for your child(ren) so that we can ensure enough childcare workers for that particular meeting.
  • Evening meeting time change: All p.m. meetings will begin promptly at 7:30pm and end at 9:30pm.
  • There is NO CHILDCARE for evening meetings, so leave the kids at home and join us for a Mom's Night Out!
  • We have a new website!!! so head on over and check it out! Members will automatically be signed up to receive the updates, but if you would like to follow us, make sure to look on the right-hand side for the "Follow by Email" and sign yourself up! We will continue to use email and FACEBOOK to keep in touch as well!


  • OPEN HOUSE: Wednesday, August 29th from 10-11am @ COS (Church of the Shepherd) 1600 W. 13th St. Bring a fellow mama and join us for a morning of fun and fellowship while meeting the faces of MOPS of Grove! Meet the leadership team, the childcare workers, and take your little ones on a tour of our childcare facilities so that when you come back for meetings, it will be somewhat familiar!
  • FIRST MEETING: Wednesday, September 5th from 9:30-11:30am @ COS (Church of the Shepherd) 1600 W. 13th St. Please take note of the time change for this year.
  • FIRST Mom's Night Out: Thursday, September 20th @ 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (Church of the Shepherd) 1600 W. 13th St. Please take note of the time change for this year, and remember there is no childcare provided for evening meetings.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Looking forward to a super blessed year!
