MOPS of Grove Steering Team retreat
This past weekend your 2013-2014 Steering Team snuck away to a cabin on the lake for a 2 day meeting to make all the fun plans for this coming MOPs of Grove year.
(and Rachel - she was our leader last year and brought a lot of great stuff to the meeting, but unfortunately will not be able to be here this year.)
Katie - assistant Coordinator and service, Erica- Publicity and Secretary, Lynn - Hospitatlity, KC - Social Media
(Not pictured) Vanessa - Creative Activities
There are 3 new members to the team this year so of course we had to get started with an ice breaker! Be prepared for ice breakers during our MOPs meetings. What a fun way to share a little something about yourself and to get to know each other better.
Then it was time to get down to business. We shared our hopes for this coming year for MOPs. We discussed everyone's positions and responsiblities. Asking questions and getting things organized. We talked about last year and the things that we thought went great and a few things that had room for improvement.
Anytime you have a big group of women you're going to have different opinions. But it is exciting that everyone there felt they could open up and share and discuss. We worked together and came up with what we think is a successful plan for the Mops of Grove 2013-2014 year! You've got a great group leading you this year! This is a group of women, of momma's, that are excited to serve you and give you a great year of making relationships with other moms who support you and understand what it's like to be raising toddlers/preschoolers. You will be learning some important information on various topics to help you be the best mom you can be all the while having some fun "me" time and growing as a woman and a mom.
We are excited for MOPs and we hope you are too.
We woke up Saturday morning to a beautiful day! (Did I mention how rested these 10 women were after a night of no kids waking up hungry or needing to go potty? Very thankful for our families for watching the kiddos while we were away for the retreat!) I believe it was 68 degrees so we were able to have our meeting outdoors next to the lake!
This day we planned out what each meeting would be. We will have 1 morning meeting each month on the first Wednesday and 1 evening meeting the 3rd Thursday of each month. I am excited for all of the different topics this year! We think you will love them too! We listened to your requests from the last meeting last year of topics you were interested in and put them on the calendar!
This day we planned out what each meeting would be. We will have 1 morning meeting each month on the first Wednesday and 1 evening meeting the 3rd Thursday of each month. I am excited for all of the different topics this year! We think you will love them too! We listened to your requests from the last meeting last year of topics you were interested in and put them on the calendar!
MOPs of Grove will begin at the end of next month with an open house (SAVE the DATE: Aug 28th at 10am, more info to follow) so make sure you go like our Facebook page, MOPs of Grove, to stay up to date with information. And please invite your friends and other mothers that have little ones to join us! This group is for moms of kids from ages baby to Kindergarten!
We enjoyed this retreat of friends, fun, food, and relaxing. We bonded as a team that is going to work hard and work together to make this year the best one yet!
** KC, blog/social media steering team member, mother of 2 little girls