It's time to start a new year of MOPS, HOORAY! We've had some changes to leadership and the Steering Team, and everyone is just so excited... We have a really fun year planned for y'all!
- 2013-2014 MOPS of Grove Annual Membership fee = $55, however your first meeting is free, so please come visit us! Scholarships (full and partial) are available and kept anonymous.
- Reminder: childcare is provided through our MOPPETS program, for A.M. meetings only, and the cost is covered in your annual membership fee.
- Reminder: be sure to visit us on FACEBOOK and our website:
Hope to see you all soon!!
- WED, AUG 28: OPEN HOUSE, 10-11am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.)! Come meet your Steering Team and MOPPETS childcare workers while giving your children a chance to explore the amazing facilities prior to our first official meeting. We'll have registration forms and New Member packets available.
- WED, SEPT 4: KICK-OFF Meeting! 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.). Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
- THURS, SEPT 19: BUNKO! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.). $3 buy-in with cash prizes! Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings.
Hope to see you all soon!!