Thursday, September 5, 2013

See What Happened at the First Meeting

Hi! Wow! Who had as much fun as I did at the MOPs kick off of the new year?! 

Wednesday morning we had our first meeting of the 2013/14 year! We were so excited to see some new faces, new kids, and new mommies at the meeting. We also welcomed back several mommies that have been a member of the MOPs program for years! How exciting!!

Our next meeting is one of our night meetings on September 19th at 7:30 and we will be playing BUNKO!!! Last year at MOPs was my first time to ever play and it is too much fun! Plus, you have a chance to win some cash prizes! It costs $3 to play and all you have to do is just show up ready to have some fun! So come check us out and invite your mommy friends to join us!

I wanted to share with you a few pictures to show you what we did at our first meeting! But don't worry if you missed it, we will have many more meetings through out the year and you can join us at anytime. 

Erica and Melissa are making sure everything is ready to greet our new moms! This is where you will check in, get your name tag and sign your kids in. We also have new member packets where you can see what MOPs is all about. Don't forget to invite your friends.

Candy! Yes, please! This is our HAPPY BIRTHDAY bowl. Make sure you don't miss out on your birthday month which is always a good excuse to have a treat! We celebrated 3 mommies' birthdays yesterday.

Every meeting we have a door prize question and give away a couple prizes! Yesterday we gave 2 moms a brand new Grove Gameday T-shirt. (Prizes change every month)

Come hungry!! We rotate a few moms each month to bring breakfast for the group! At our first meeting we had fruit, casserole, and muffins! And don't forget the coffee! 

Our coordinator, Melissa, is greeting one of our favorite new moms, Michelle who just had a baby a few weeks ago!

Time to get started! At this meeting Melissa let us know what all MOPs is about and what to expect of the new year. She gave us a sneak peek of all the fun meeting topics to come each month!
Melissa is a great coordinator who loves MOPs and fellowshipping with other moms! She's just like one of us!

18 beautiful women gathered together.
Our children were playing just up the hallway in the kids' wing with some dedicated, fun childcare workers!
What mom doesn't love a 2 hour "me time" with other women?

Stacy is our TLC lady. If you need a hug or someone to pray for you she is definitely someone you can go to! She gave us a great devotional about how we are ALL beautiful messes! She doesn't have it all together and neither do I. My guess is you don't either. So this group is a great place to be among other moms/women who understand exactly what you are going through. There is no judgement, just support and love... and laughter.  
I loved this picture of Stacy and the happiness she has even though she is going through a beautiful mess! 

Next up CRAFTS!!!

Vanessa is our creative arts gal! She sat the bar high for crafts this year and everyone loved this project! 

Look how beautiful these are!! Magnet Boards! 

We love doing crafts at MOPs because it's a great time to be creative without any tiny little helpers, but also to get to visit and chat with the other moms in the group. 

Thank you to everyone who came to our first meeting and making it such a wonderful, fun, successful time! We are looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks for BUNKO. 

Make sure to follow us on Facebook at MOPs of Grove and if you have any questions you can contact us there or on our email at

Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

2013-2014 Kick-Off Meeting

Hi ladies!! I hope that you all had a fabulous weekend with your families! 

This week is our official kick-off meeting for the new MOPS year, HOORAY! So invite a friend, and join us tomorrow, WED, SEPT 4 from 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.). Breakfast will be served for the mamas, and childcare is provided through MOPPETS program (cost is covered in annual membership fee), and they will receive snack. Your first meeting is free, so please come visit us!

If  this will be your first time joining us, here are a few helpful tips for you and your children - Plan to arrive a few minutes early so that you can get everyone signed in and to their age appropriate classrooms. Make sure all items (diaper bags, cups, etc.) are clearly labeled. Have an extra change of clothes (no matter what age) and plenty of diapers - everyone has extra wet days. Slather on some sunscreen, the children will spend some playtime outside. And lastly, prepare yourselves for some great fun and look forward to an awesome nap in the afternoon when you leave us - our MOPPETS workers are the BEST!!

  • 2013-2014 MOPS of Grove Annual Membership fee = $55, however your first meeting is free, so please come visit us! Scholarships (full and partial) are available and kept anonymous.
  • Reminder: childcare is provided through our MOPPETS program, for A.M. meetings only, and the cost is covered in your annual membership fee.
  • Reminder: be sure to visit us on FACEBOOK and our website:
  • THURS, SEPT 19: MOPS Night Out: BUNKO! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.). Invite your friends! $3 buy-in with cash prizes! Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings.
  • WED, OCT 2: 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.). Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • THURS, OCT 24: MOPS Night Out 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.). $3 buy-in with cash prizes! Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. *Please note change in date due to Fall Break.
Can't wait to see you all again!