Monday, May 12, 2014

Our Founder Graduates!

A note from one mama heart to another...

Dear Stacy Clark,

The early stages of motherhood can be lonely, and when you’re in the trenches – literally knee deep in babies, diapers, sleepless nights and all the amazingly wonderful but exhausting things that go along with it, reaching out to others for support is an important, and yet humbling, experience.

Thank you for recognizing your own need to connect with other moms, and for being brave enough to step out in faith by bringing in a ministry to our community that will continue to benefit families for generations. The Lord has provided you the admirable gift of hospitality, and for 10 years you, along with your family, have lovingly dedicated your time, effort, and resources to ensuring that MOPS of Grove would meet the needs of our community. Words can not begin to express my personal gratitude for this endeavor.

We will miss you, but we look forward to your return as ‘Mentor Mom’ because you know we will ask! We pray abundant blessing upon you and your family as you transition (graduate!!) into a new phase of this ‘beautiful mess’ we call motherhood!

Love you friend,


Monday, May 5, 2014

End of the Year Activities!

Hi ladies! We have officially reached the end of our MOPS year! Please read carefully...

WED, MAY 7 (THIS WEEK) - CRAFT DAY @ 9:30-11:30am @ COS. Breakfast will be served for the mamas and childcare is provided by MOPPETS (cost is covered in your annual fees). 

THURS, MAY 15 - End of Year Family Picnic @ 5-7pm (come & go) @ the Rotary Park (next to splash pad, across from Post office). Bring a picnic dinner for your family; MOPS will provide popsicle for dessert! The splash pad may be open, so consider appropriate clothing, sunscreen, hats, towels, sunscreen, lawn chairs, etc. 

Membership Renewals - due NOW in May, and will remain at $55! Please understand you are not required to renew at this time, however, this renewal process allows us the opportunity to earn scholarships through MOPS International. MOPS of Grove is then able to provide these scholarships to those mothers who might not otherwise be able to participate. Renewing now also enables us to keep more dollars in MOPS of Grove ($21.95 of your fees goes to MOPS International, but that amount increases June 1). Please contact Melissa McMinn for any questions.

Summer Schedule - Make sure to "LIKE" us on Facebook, and visit the page often, to keep up with all the latest information throughout the summer! If you are headed to the park or pool, post to our page so friends can join you! 
**Please Note: 'liking' our page may not ensure that all activity will show up in your News Feed. You will need to visit the page directly to see what others may be posting!!

Looking forward to see you all soon!