Saturday, September 12, 2015

Fall 2015 MOPS Activity Schedule

Hi Mamas! There is a LOT to look forward to this year with MOPS. Here's a quick rundown of activities going on this Fall that you and/or your little ones might be interested in attending:

9/15/15: 7:30-9:30pm, It's MOPS BUNKO Night at COS! $3 buy in per person. We encourage all Mamas to bring a friend to join in the fun! This is our first night meeting of the year and is always a BLAST! (No childcare provided for night meetings.)

9/17/15: 6:30pm, BSF Open House at Rivers of Life Center (488 Industrial Road A, Grove, OK 74344)

9/19/15, 8am-Noon, and 9/26/15, 9am-5pm: Vintage by the Creek pop up vintage vendors! Located on Broadway Street in Grove next to the Grove Civic Center.

9/24/15: 10am-11am, Har-Ber Village Harvest Presentation on PICKLES. Create a pickle peeper puppet and make refrigerator pickles. Pre-registration required by calling 918-786-6446. $3 for HBV Members, $5 for Non-Members

9/26/15: 8am, Grove Coat Run (supports all Grove children who need warm coats! Message Brenda Sheffield for details)

9/25-9/26/15: All Day. Grove Local Business Fall Open House (there are always a lot of great shopping discounts!)

September is also Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. 1 in 285 kids get cancer, and when you know and love one of these precious babies personally it really hits home. If you start now and save your spare change through the end of the month, maybe consider donating it to Or take a moment to look up a family that has a child with cancer and send them a card or toy... or just send up a prayer for these sweet families and their children. Every act of kindness starts a ripple effect that eventually turns into a monsoon of love!

10/3/15: 10am-1pm, Grove Public Library's "Touch a Truck" Event at Wolf Creek (lots of fun for little ones - see flyer in the MOPS thread below)

10/7/15: 9:30-11:30am, MOPS October Morning Meeting at COS. Featured presenter is Danielle Decker discussing speech development and GEFFE. Childcare and breakfast provided.

10/12/15: 10am, MOPS Fieldtrip to Right Choices Corn Maze (Southwest City) $3.00 Entry Fee, Babies are Free.

10/15/15: 10am-11am, Har-Ber Village Harvest Presentation on CORN. Shuck and grind corn like a pioneer. Discover what bubble wrap and corn on the cob have in common! Pre-registration required by calling 918-786-6446. $3 for HBV Members, $5 for Non-Members

10/20/15: 7:30-9:30pm, MOPS October Night Meeting featuring Jenean Perryman who will teach all of us how to make delicious fall soups! Mamas only - no childcare provided.

10/29/15: 10am-11am, Har-Ber Village Harvest Presentation on PUMPKINS. Make a pumpkin pet just in time for fall decorating! Pre-registration required by calling 918-786-6446. $3 for HBV Members, $5 for Non-Members

Look forward to seeing you at these events and more!
Renee Diver
MOPS 2015-2016 Publicity Chair