Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Froot Loops - They aren't just for breakfast anymore!

Hey everyone, welcome to Tiny Tot Tuesday!  Each Tuesday we will post some fun activities to try with your kids at home!  Today's ideas all center around everyone's favorite cereal, Froot Loops, so grab a box and let's get started!
  1. Sorting - Give your child a handful of Froot Loops and help them sort them by color!  After sorting them, count them and talk about which color has the most and which has the least!
  2. Tasting - Have your child taste one of each color and tell you which one is their favorite and why!
  3. Stringing - Give your child a handful of Froot Loops along with a piece of string and have them string the Froot Loops to make a necklace, braclet, or hang it on a tree to feed the birds!
  4. Creating Sets - On a sheet of paper draw some circles and write a different number inside each one.  Have your child place/glue the correct number of Froot Loops in each circle!
  5. Tweezers- Give your child a pair of tweezers, a cup and some Froot Loops.  Have your child use the tweezers to pick up the Froot Loops and place them in the cup!
  6. Making Letters - Write some letters on a sheet of paper.  Have your child place Froot Loops on top of the lines to make the letters!
  7. Collage - Give your child paper, glue, Froot Loops and crayons.  Have them draw a picture and glue Froot Loops on to make a collage!
  8. Relay - On one side of the room place a bowl of Froot Loops and spoon on a chair.  On the other side of the room place an empty cup or bowl.  Have your child carry Froot Loops one at a time using the spoon and place them in the empty container!
  9. Patterns - Use Froot Loops to make patterns!
  10. Describing - Have your child describe Froot Loops to you.  Talk about shape, color, texture, smell, size and anything else you can come up with to describe them!
~Melissa McMinn, MOPS of Grove Coordinator, mother of 3 boys

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