Welcome back ladies! Hope you all have enjoyed a healthy and happy Holiday break with your friends & family while celebrating Jesus!!
Perfect timing for all those New Year's Resolutions - grab a mama friend and join us this week WED, JAN 7 for Courage to Face Your Real Mom Fears: yoga & self-defense!! 9:30-11:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
P.S. we recognize that a lot of people have experienced illness over last few weeks, and are itching to get out of the house and back into a normal routine. WE ALL UNDERSTAND, AND WE WANT TO SEE YOU!! However, please be conscious and considerate of our MOPPETS illness policy when choosing to attend meetings! These can be found on pages 7-8 of the Welcome Packet. In summary: " Please do not bring your children if they have experienced fever, bad cold symptoms, diarrhea, rash, or vomiting in the past 24 hours. Children under a doctor’s treatment may attend after receiving antibiotics for at least 24 hours for most conditions; 48 hours for strep throat."
- NEW THIS YEAR - P.M. meetings will be held every 3rd TUESDAY of the month (Sept-May) from 7:30-9:30pm @ COS.
- 2014-2015 MOPS of Grove Annual Membership fee = $55, however your first meeting is free, so please come visit us! Scholarships (full and partial) are available and kept anonymous.
- NEW MEMBERS: please read through your welcome packets, sign and turn in your registration forms!
- Reminder: childcare is provided through our MOPPETS program, for A.M. meetings only, and the cost is covered in your annual membership fee.
- DATES: TBD - Jan (bowling), Feb (valentine cookie decorating), April (egg hunt)
- TUES, Jan 20: BUNKO! game night, $3 buy-in and bring a friend! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings.
- WED, Feb 4: Courage to Love People with Dr. Audrey Crawford. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
- TUES, Feb 17: Courage to See Greatness in Others: Move Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings.
- WED, Mar 4: Courage to Forget Comparisons: School Readiness. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
- TUES, Mar 24: Courage to Rest: Spa Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings.
- WED, Apr 1: Courage to Be a Mom: Tea & Testimony. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
- TUES, Apr 21: Courage to Try: Pop & Pallet 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings.
- WED, May 6: Courage to Be You Bravely: Craft Day. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
- TUES, May 19: End of Year BBQ: Bring the whole family! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings.
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