Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2012-2013 T-Shirt Fundraiser

Just a friendly reminder to ORDER YOUR T-SHIRTS!! All sizes available. $15 adult, $12 youth. The shirt itself is charcoal, but the screen print comes in your choice of hot pink, yellow, or turquoise. Deadline to order AND make full payment is next meeting, WED NOV 7!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We're going on a nature walk!

Hello everyone!  This week's Tiny Tot Tuesday is all about getting outside and enjoying Fall's beauty!  

1. Scavenger Hunt: Turn an ordinary walk into a game by making it a scavenger hunt!  Give your child a list of things to find and a bag to collect them in then set out to find them!  You can do a color hunt, texture hunt or item hunt!  Example: Find something brown, green, yellow and red.  or  Find a leaf, a stick, and a bug.

2. Collage: Go on a nature walk and collect items in a bag.  When you get home, glue items on a piece of paper to make a collage. 

3. Leaf Rubbings: Collect leaves in a bag. Come inside and place them under a sheet of paper and rub a crayon over it to make the outline.

4. Sorting: Go on a walk and collect all sorts of things.  When you get home, sort them.  You can sort them color, texture, or any other way you want!

5. Alphabet Walk: Go on a walk and try to find something for each letter of the alphabet! 

6. Five Senses Walk: While on your walk talk about what you see, hear, feel and smell.

~Melissa McMinn, Coordinator, mother of 3 boys

Meeting - Cooking 101

Hi ladies! Hope you all had a fabulous fall break with your families, and have been enjoying this beautiful fall weather!!

Join us this THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 from 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (Church of the Shepherd) 1600 W. 13th St. for some fun, FOOD, and fellowship! Our special guest for the evening is Jenean Perryman, featuring a cooking demo!

Just a few housekeeping items...

**Membership fees ($55) DUE THURS! If you have not already, PLEASE turn in your membership fees Thursday evening. This is our last opportunity to earn scholarships through MOPS International.

**T-Shirt Fundraiser - See attached picture....All sizes available. $15 adult, $12 youth. The shirt itself is charcoal, but the screen print comes in your choice of hot pink (featured in picture), yellow, or turquoise. Deadline to order/turn in payment is NOV 7

Calendar Dates:
Wednesday, November 7 @ 9:30-11:30am @ COS
Thursday, November 15 @ 7:30-9:30pm @ COS
Wednesday, December 5 @ 9:30-11:30am @ COS
Thursday, December 20

One last thing...if you have not already, make sure to "LIKE" us on FACEBOOK and check our page often for updates (do not rely on your newsfeed to show all posts).

Hope to see you all this week!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Froot Loops - They aren't just for breakfast anymore!

Hey everyone, welcome to Tiny Tot Tuesday!  Each Tuesday we will post some fun activities to try with your kids at home!  Today's ideas all center around everyone's favorite cereal, Froot Loops, so grab a box and let's get started!
  1. Sorting - Give your child a handful of Froot Loops and help them sort them by color!  After sorting them, count them and talk about which color has the most and which has the least!
  2. Tasting - Have your child taste one of each color and tell you which one is their favorite and why!
  3. Stringing - Give your child a handful of Froot Loops along with a piece of string and have them string the Froot Loops to make a necklace, braclet, or hang it on a tree to feed the birds!
  4. Creating Sets - On a sheet of paper draw some circles and write a different number inside each one.  Have your child place/glue the correct number of Froot Loops in each circle!
  5. Tweezers- Give your child a pair of tweezers, a cup and some Froot Loops.  Have your child use the tweezers to pick up the Froot Loops and place them in the cup!
  6. Making Letters - Write some letters on a sheet of paper.  Have your child place Froot Loops on top of the lines to make the letters!
  7. Collage - Give your child paper, glue, Froot Loops and crayons.  Have them draw a picture and glue Froot Loops on to make a collage!
  8. Relay - On one side of the room place a bowl of Froot Loops and spoon on a chair.  On the other side of the room place an empty cup or bowl.  Have your child carry Froot Loops one at a time using the spoon and place them in the empty container!
  9. Patterns - Use Froot Loops to make patterns!
  10. Describing - Have your child describe Froot Loops to you.  Talk about shape, color, texture, smell, size and anything else you can come up with to describe them!
~Melissa McMinn, MOPS of Grove Coordinator, mother of 3 boys

Monday, October 1, 2012

Meeting – Couponing 101

Hi ladies! Join us for 'Couponing 101' this WED, OCT 3 from 9:30am – 11:30am @ COS (Church of the Shepherd) 1600 W. 13th St., as well as fun, food, and fellowship! Our very own Rachel Harrison, along with a few other fellow MOPS gals, will be showing us how best to utilize coupons. Breakfast and coffee will be served for the mamas, and childcare is available through MOPPETS (cost is covered in your annual membership fee, $55).

A few things to note regarding MOPPETS….
  • Please make sure your child(ren) has already eaten breakfast, but rest assured they will be given a snack (i.e. animal crackers, gold fish).
  • With the beautiful fall weather, the children (age 2+) will spend some of their time outside on the playground, so dress accordingly - proper shoes, jacket, sunscreen, hat, etc.
  • It’s always a good idea to provide an extra set of clothes for all children (accidents happen to everyone!) .
  • Please make sure all bags/cups/etc. are clearly labeled (we will provide sticky labels at the sign-in table), especially the drink cups. (Bic markers work well and will actually come off in the dishwasher.)
  • And lastly, please RSVP to if you will need childcare, so that we can ensure enough workers for the day of the meeting.
For those of you new to MOPS of Grove…Just a friendly reminder, if you have not already - please make sure to read through the new member packet, fill out registration forms and return those with your annual membership fee ($55). New member packets are always available at the sign-in table if you have not received yours.

*THURS, OCT 25 @ 7:30-9:30pm, Cooking 101 with Jenean Perryman (please note date on water drop magnet is incorrect).
*WED, NOV 7 @ 9:30-11:30am, Holiday Gifting 101

Hope to see you all this week!