Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Meeting - December Activities!

Hi ladies! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving week with your families! We have a super fun packed December planned for MOPS, so be sure to read carefully, mark your calendars, and plan accordingly!
*WED, DEC 5, 9:30-11:30am - Drop and Shop. Literally, drop your children off at COS, and spend the next few hours shopping the local merchants of Grove! Because this is not a typical meeting and we mamas will be off-site, and for the safety of all involved, this is available for current members only, please do not invite friends to drop off their children. Also, you must RSVP for childcare by MON, DEC 3, so that we can ensure enough childcare workers.
*WED, DEC 12, 9:30-11:30am - Playdate @ COS....This is the perfect opportunity to invite new friends to experience what MOPS is all about!! Have your little ones dress up in their favorite pj's, and if you like, bring a couple dozen cookies! We'll have an (optional) cookie exchange for the moms, and also a fun cookie decorating station for the kids. (Sugar cookies/icing/sprinkles will be provided for your use, you don't need to bring anything for that, and it will be set up in a separate room from play area.) This is absolutely just for fun, no pressure to bring anything, just come on out and have some fun with your kids - we already have moms coming who will not be bringing any cookies because of allergy issues for their little ones!
*THURS, DEC 20, 7:30-9:30pm - Christmas Party @ COS. For the moms only, childcare will not be provided. Appetizers/Desserts/Drinks will be provided courtesy of your Steering Team, but please feel free to bring your favorite appetizer or dessert as well!
This year, we're going to have some fun with: "My Favorite Things" and here is how this works... think of something that you absolutely love, that kind of describes your personality or might help someone decide that it could belong to you. It could be anything - homemade/cooked/baked/store bought, etc. We want you to provide us three of those 'things', and wrap each one separately. You may not spend more than $10 TOTAL for the three things combined.
Here is an example: Lucy loves yellow #2 pencils. She purchases 3 of them at $1 each, which means she spent $3.00 TOTAL, which is below the $10 limit. Other examples: glitter anything (shoes/nail polish/lip gloss), are you really good at baking? can you make a great homemade skin product? are you obsessed with accessories? check your house for things that you tend to have around all the time - I seriously just considered bringing some lucky girls some Lanolin Cream. If you don't know, that's nipple cream for nursing. It makes an AWESOME chapstick (which I use ALL the time) and also hand cream! But I won't now that I spoiled it! Plus it's $7.54 a bottle, and well, I doubt that anyone would appreciate my used bottles! :)
Got it? 3 'things', each wrapped, no more than $10 total. So have some fun and be creative!! You will end up taking home 3 'new' gifts. If you do not want to participate in the gift exchange, PLEASE COME ANYWAY!!!
If you have any questions, or concerns about anything, please contact us! Looking forward to a fun-filled MOPS month!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tiny Tot Tuesday: Alphabet Edition

Hello everyone! Today's 'Tiny Tot Tuesday' is full of ways to practice making the letters in the alphabet!  The more exposure to the letters your child gets the better!  These ideas include several different sensory ideas as well as large and fine motor ideas.  Hope you enjoy!
1. Yarn: Cut two large pieces of yarn (or string, or ribbon).  Using one piece, make a letter on the floor.  Give your child the other piece and have them copy your letter!  The bigger you make it the more fun!
2. Play dough: Write the letters on a sheet of parchment paper (foil or wax paper can work too).  Give your child some play dough and show them how to roll it to make "snakes" then use the "snakes" to place on top of the written letters to make the alphabet!
3. Shaving Cream: Put shaving cream on a cookie sheet.  Have your child spread it out then practice drawing letters in it. (Can also be done in the bathtub if you don't want a mess)
4. Glue: Draw a big letter on paper.  Give child something that starts with that letter to glue onto the letter, making the letter as they glue.  (ex: A=apple jacks, B=buttons)
5. Sticks: Use sticks to write the letters in dirt or sand.
6. Magazine: Give your child a magazine and scissors and cut out the letters in the alphabet.  If you find them all you can glue them on paper to make the alphabet!
7. Bathtub: Use bath crayons to write letters while taking a bath.  (You can search the Internet for how to make your own)
8. Water: Give child a bucket of water and paint brush and paint the letters on the sidewalk or side of the house then watch them disappear!
9. Blocks: Use blocks to construct the letters.
10. Body:  Call out a letter and have your child try and make it with their body!  Some letters require more than one person.  
Just remember to have fun and follow your child's lead.  If you only do 1 letter before quitting it is okay!  Just provide materials and opportunities and see what your child can do!
~Melissa McMinn, Coordinator, mother of 3 boys

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meeting - How to look cute on a budget!

Hi ladies! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I know we just saw each other a few days ago, but the way the calendar falls this month, it's meeting time again!

I'm sure many of you can relate...pregnant and/or nursing the last 4 years of my life has taken its toll on my sense of fashion! I mean let's be honest, no one 'plans' to become the stay-at-home mom who's lives in pj's/work-out/lounge clothes, and I'm fairly certain I swore that would not be me! But you know, I LOVE my pj's. And for a season (or two, or three...) it's okay. And, besides that, who wants their nice clothes puked (or, ahem, poohed) on?!

So, join us this Thursday evening for a segment we'd like to call, 'How to look cute on a budget'! Tiffany Porter is our special guest speaker, and will walk us through some fun fashion ideas, using things that most probably already have in your closet. And, as mothers of little people, modesty is of course a priority. If you are able, we ask that you bring a scarf, or some article of clothing or accessory, that you no longer need/wear, and we'll do a fun little swap, so you'll end up taking home something "new"! If you don't want to participate in the exchange, not a problem, please come anyway!!**Correction: bring any article of clothing or accessory that you do not use any more, and learn fun new to ways to use them!

Thursday, November 15, 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (Church of the Shepherd) 1600 W. 13th Street in Grove. Friendly reminder, there is no childcare provided for evening meetings. *Ladies assigned to bring snacks: Michelle Sorochman, Krista Sampson, Katie Schauf, Rachel Harrison.

Calendar Dates: Please read carefully as we have changes for December!

*WED, DEC 5, 9:30-11:30am - Drop and Shop. Literally, drop your children off at COS, and spend the next few hours shopping the local merchants of Grove! Because this is not a regular meeting and we the mamas will be off-site, and for the safety of all involved, this is available for current MOPS of Grove members only, please do not invite friends to drop off their children. Also, you must RSVP for childcare by MON, DEC 3, so that we can ensure enough childcare workers.

*WED, DEC 12, 9:30-11:30am - Playdate @ COS. PJ party for the kiddos and cookie exchange! Perfect opportunity to invite new friends to experience what MOPS is all about!!

*THURS, DEC 20, 7:30-9:30pm - Christmas Party @ COS. For mothers only (childcare is not provided for evening meetings) Please bring your favorite dessert or appetizer!

If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact any one of the Leadership! Also, make sure to check Facebook (don't rely on your newsfeed) often for the most up to date information; it’s the easiest way to communicate last minute changes!! See you soon!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Meeting - Gifts Galore!

Hi ladies! Can you believe it's November already?! Which means...the Holidays are fast approaching! Do you purposefully plan your gift shopping throughout the year, or perhaps you're one of those "crazy" Black Friday shoppers that camps out all night? Or, do you enjoy the comforts of your home while shopping online, or possibly prefer to put your own stamp on it with creative homemade gifts? Whatever your style, this week is sure to spark some ideas!
Join us this WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 from 9:30-11:30am @ COS for some fun, food, and fellowship! This week's topic - 'Gifts Galore'! Breakfast and coffee will be served for the mamas, and childcare is provided through MOPPETS (cost is covered in your annual membership fees) but PLEASE let us know if you will be utilizing childcare, so that we can be sure to have enough childcare workers! Also, please make sure your little ones have eaten breakfast, but rest assured they will be given a snack (i.e. goldfish crackers, etc.)
**Ladies assigned to bring breakfast items for Wednesday - Lynn Hassleman, Mandi May, and Heather Fink
**T-Shirt Fundraiser - see attached pictures. All sizes available. $15 adult, $12 youth. The shirt itself is charcoal, but the screen print comes in your choice of hot pink, yellow, or turquoise (the 'of Grove' is not actual print on turquoise, it will match the pink/yellow). Deadline to order AND make full payment is on Wednesday!!

Calendar Dates:
Thursday, November 15 @ 7:30-9:30pm @ COS
Wednesday, December 5 @ 9:30-11:30am @ COS
Thursday, December 20
Hope to see you all there!