Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tiny Tot Tuesday: Number Edition

Hey everyone, here is another installment of Tiny Tot Tuesday!  Today includes different ideas for using a deck of cards to practice numbers, so grab a deck and get started!
1. Go Fish: Everyone knows how to play this game, but it's a good one!  It helps kids practice number recognition skills!
2. War: Another oldie but goodie!  This game helps kids compare numbers.
3. Number Sets: Flip over a card and have your child make a group of that number using a small item (such as stickers, cheerios, beads). 
4. Matching Sets: Create groups of small objects.  Then give your child the cards and have him match the number to the set.
5. Ordering Numbers: Give your child a set of cards, one of each number.  Have them put the numbers in order (the best way to do this is to count and put down the corresponding card).
6. Guess the number: Cover the number on each card.  Have kids guess the number by counting the pictures and saying the number (ex: 5, count the 5 hearts).
7. Name that Number: Flip over one card at a time and have your child call out the number, then give them the card if they get it correct!
8. Movement: Turn over a card and have your child do a large motor activity (dkip, hop, jump, turn around) that many times.
9. Missing Number: Lay out cards in sequence, turning some face down.  Have your child guess the missing number.
10. Writing: Place a card under a blank piece of paper and have child trace the number!

~Melissa McMinn, Coordinator, mother of 3 boys

Monday, January 7, 2013

Meeting - Let's Get Physical!

Hello ladies! I hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas and a safe, Happy New Year!
With the new year, comes talk of 'resolutions', or trying new things, or creating new habits...and at MOPS, we want to help kick start 2013 with what we would like to call "LET's GET PHYSICAL!" with Kim Wiles, so you will want to wear some comfy clothes/shoes! Join us this WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 @ 9:30am - 11:30am @ COS (1600 W. 13th St. in Grove). Breakfast will be served for the mamas, and childcare is provided by our MOPPETS program (cost is covered in your annual membership fees). However, please let us know if you plan to utilize childcare, so that we can ensure enough childcare workers. Thank you for your consideration!

Mamas assigned to bring a breakfast item for Wednesday...Corrine Sikes, Cindy Cole, Katie Johnson, and Stacy Clark. If you unable to be there or can not bring something, no worries, just let Lynn Hassleman know. Thanks!

Upcoming Events...
THURS, JAN 17th @ 7:30-9:30pm: BUNKO!! What better way to welcome in the new year, than a 'friendly' game of Bunko with girlfriends! (warning: this game is not for the faint of heart, these girls can be ruthless! j/k y'all!!) Snacks/drinks will be served, but friendly reminder that childcare is not provided for our evening meetings. There will be a $3 buy-in on the game, with cash prizes to win! This is the perfect opportunity to invite all your friends to share what MOPS is all about!

Feb 6 @ 9:30am - I Love You!
Feb 21 @ 7:30pm - A 'New' Me - Spa Night!
Mar 6 @ 9:30am - Traveling with Toddlers 101
Mar 28 @ 7:30pm - Movie Madness
April 3 @ 9:30am - Gardening 101
April 18 @ 7:30pm - Sweet & Savory
May 1 @ 9:30am - Tea & Testimony
May 16 - End of the Year Family BBQ

Looking forward to a super blessed 2013 MOPS year!