Saturday, September 12, 2015

Fall 2015 MOPS Activity Schedule

Hi Mamas! There is a LOT to look forward to this year with MOPS. Here's a quick rundown of activities going on this Fall that you and/or your little ones might be interested in attending:

9/15/15: 7:30-9:30pm, It's MOPS BUNKO Night at COS! $3 buy in per person. We encourage all Mamas to bring a friend to join in the fun! This is our first night meeting of the year and is always a BLAST! (No childcare provided for night meetings.)

9/17/15: 6:30pm, BSF Open House at Rivers of Life Center (488 Industrial Road A, Grove, OK 74344)

9/19/15, 8am-Noon, and 9/26/15, 9am-5pm: Vintage by the Creek pop up vintage vendors! Located on Broadway Street in Grove next to the Grove Civic Center.

9/24/15: 10am-11am, Har-Ber Village Harvest Presentation on PICKLES. Create a pickle peeper puppet and make refrigerator pickles. Pre-registration required by calling 918-786-6446. $3 for HBV Members, $5 for Non-Members

9/26/15: 8am, Grove Coat Run (supports all Grove children who need warm coats! Message Brenda Sheffield for details)

9/25-9/26/15: All Day. Grove Local Business Fall Open House (there are always a lot of great shopping discounts!)

September is also Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. 1 in 285 kids get cancer, and when you know and love one of these precious babies personally it really hits home. If you start now and save your spare change through the end of the month, maybe consider donating it to Or take a moment to look up a family that has a child with cancer and send them a card or toy... or just send up a prayer for these sweet families and their children. Every act of kindness starts a ripple effect that eventually turns into a monsoon of love!

10/3/15: 10am-1pm, Grove Public Library's "Touch a Truck" Event at Wolf Creek (lots of fun for little ones - see flyer in the MOPS thread below)

10/7/15: 9:30-11:30am, MOPS October Morning Meeting at COS. Featured presenter is Danielle Decker discussing speech development and GEFFE. Childcare and breakfast provided.

10/12/15: 10am, MOPS Fieldtrip to Right Choices Corn Maze (Southwest City) $3.00 Entry Fee, Babies are Free.

10/15/15: 10am-11am, Har-Ber Village Harvest Presentation on CORN. Shuck and grind corn like a pioneer. Discover what bubble wrap and corn on the cob have in common! Pre-registration required by calling 918-786-6446. $3 for HBV Members, $5 for Non-Members

10/20/15: 7:30-9:30pm, MOPS October Night Meeting featuring Jenean Perryman who will teach all of us how to make delicious fall soups! Mamas only - no childcare provided.

10/29/15: 10am-11am, Har-Ber Village Harvest Presentation on PUMPKINS. Make a pumpkin pet just in time for fall decorating! Pre-registration required by calling 918-786-6446. $3 for HBV Members, $5 for Non-Members

Look forward to seeing you at these events and more!
Renee Diver
MOPS 2015-2016 Publicity Chair

Monday, August 31, 2015

MOPS 2015-2016 Season is Underway!

MOPS First 2015-2016 Meeting is THIS WEDNESDAY, 9/2/15 at COS!
Join us from 9:30-11:30am for food, fellowship, a fun craft, and a two hour break from your adorable kiddos (childcare provided on-site!)
The MOPS group meets from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. the first Wednesday and from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month, from September to May at COS.
COS Address: 1600 W. HarBer Road, Grove, OK 74344
2015-2016 meeting dates include: Sept 2 & 15, Oct 7 & 20, Nov 4 & 17, Dec 2 & 15, Jan 6 & 19, Feb 3 &16, Mar 2 & 22, Apr 6 & 19, May 4 & 17.  
For more information about joining MOPS, persons interested may email or visit the group's Facebook page at
Have a Blessed Day from All of Us at MOPS!

Monday, July 6, 2015

2015-2016 MOPS International Theme

Welcome to the 2015-16 MOPS International Theme – A Fierce Flourishing 

Theme Verse: 

For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12  

Sometimes we need new eyes. A perspective shift that recalibrates our hearts to the rhythm of God’s goodness surrounding us. To tune our hearts to better hear the music of the divine echoing throughout this world. That we might let that goodness seep into our bones and into our hearts so we can remember what it feels like to flourish.
We think flourishing looks a lot like:
Celebrating Lavishly: Celebrating breathes life into our days. Could it be that commemorating moments might help us to become more alive, to remember what is good and become masterful at recognizing it? How would life change to regularly invite friends into our stolen moments with uninhibited dancing and the best food, while gathered around the biggest table with the deepest conversations? Lavish celebrations can be sacred markers that help remind us who we are.
Embracing Rest: Perhaps it is time to let go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as a measure of worth. What if one of the most life-giving activities that would contribute to our flourishing is welcoming rhythms of rest and play into our lives? Creating healthy rhythms in our life is one way we nourish the weary spots in our soul.
Noticing Goodness: Could it be possible that we don’t need new things but rather new eyes to see what we already have? What if we regained our sense of vision, an acute resolve to find hope in the cracks and mire of the mundane? Noticing what is good gives us the gift of perspective and reminds us the sacred is closer than we think.
We become more ourselves when we celebrate, rest and notice, and that looks a lot like flourishing. But this flourishing isn’t the precious or exhausting kind. This is a fierce flourishing. It is a deep-in-your-guts experience of gratitude and hope compelling you to raise your hands and dance freer that you ever have before. It is a fierce protection of your most important moments, an invitation to rest and an opportunity to enjoy the people who are right in front of you.
This year at MOPS, may we become a home for found wanderers, redeemed prisoners, explorers at the edge of their comfort – all of us who were one-time captives now celebrating our unearned freedom, because we have regained the eyes to see. May this year unfold into radical expressions of your own unique Fierce Flourishing.

WED, MAY 6 @ 9:30am @ COS

Hi ladies! Join us this week for the last morning meeting of the year! WED, May 6: Courage to Be You Bravely: Craft Day. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • Membership Renewals for the 2015-2016 year will be collected at the next 2 meetings. Cost will remain at$55. Please understand that you are not required to renew at this time, however, also understand that your participation in this renewal process allows us as MOPS of Grove, the opportunity to earn a free scholarship from MOPS International, that we will then be able to provide to a local mother, who may not otherwise be able to join.
  • **THURS, May 21End of Year BBQ**: (please note date change) Bring the whole family! 5-7pm (come & go style) @ the Dinosaur Park (next to the splashpad). Bring a sack-dinner for your family, popsicles will be provided  by MOPS!
See you soon!!~Erica Hunt

2015-2016 Membership Renewals

Hi ladies! Can you believe it's May already?! As we close out this MOPS year, we hope you are all making plans to join us again for a fabulous 2015-2016! 

Which brings me to: Membership Renewals for the 2015-2016 year are due by May 31. The cost will remain at $55. Please understand that you are not required to renew at this time. However, also please understand that your participation in this renewal process allows us as MOPS of Grove, the opportunity to earn a free scholarship from MOPS International, that we will then be able to provide to a local mother, who may not otherwise be able to join.

Here is a quick break down of what your $55 membership fees include:

$30.05 stays within our MOPS of Grove group, and helps cover the cost of childcare, guest speakers, crafts, and supplies.

The other $24.95 covers your membership to MOPS International, and includes the following benefits:
  • A Fierce Flourishing Guidebook, including a guest appearance by Jen Hatmaker
  • An adorable print to add beauty to your space
  • A bracelet to remind you to choose to flourish
  • Discounts and music downloads
  • Coupon Booklet with offers from: Jamberry Nails, UV Skinz, Happy Family and more
  • Postcards to send via snail mail
  • Annual subscription to Hello, Dearest magazine
  • Weekly inspiring emails
  • A special benefit from brightpeak Financial 

Taken directly from the site, here is a little more information on what you can look forward to in the next MOPS year!!

Welcome to the 2015-16 MOPS International Theme – A Fierce Flourishing 

Theme Verse: 

For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12  

Sometimes we need new eyes. A perspective shift that recalibrates our hearts to the rhythm of God’s goodness surrounding us. To tune our hearts to better hear the music of the divine echoing throughout this world. That we might let that goodness seep into our bones and into our hearts so we can remember what it feels like to flourish.
We think flourishing looks a lot like:
Celebrating Lavishly: Celebrating breathes life into our days. Could it be that commemorating moments might help us to become more alive, to remember what is good and become masterful at recognizing it? How would life change to regularly invite friends into our stolen moments with uninhibited dancing and the best food, while gathered around the biggest table with the deepest conversations? Lavish celebrations can be sacred markers that help remind us who we are.
Embracing Rest: Perhaps it is time to let go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as a measure of worth. What if one of the most life-giving activities that would contribute to our flourishing is welcoming rhythms of rest and play into our lives? Creating healthy rhythms in our life is one way we nourish the weary spots in our soul.
Noticing Goodness: Could it be possible that we don’t need new things but rather new eyes to see what we already have? What if we regained our sense of vision, an acute resolve to find hope in the cracks and mire of the mundane? Noticing what is good gives us the gift of perspective and reminds us the sacred is closer than we think.
We become more ourselves when we celebrate, rest and notice, and that looks a lot like flourishing. But this flourishing isn’t the precious or exhausting kind. This is a fierce flourishing. It is a deep-in-your-guts experience of gratitude and hope compelling you to raise your hands and dance freer that you ever have before. It is a fierce protection of your most important moments, an invitation to rest and an opportunity to enjoy the people who are right in front of you.
This year at MOPS, may we become a home for found wanderers, redeemed prisoners, explorers at the edge of their comfort – all of us who were one-time captives now celebrating our unearned freedom, because we have regained the eyes to see. May this year unfold into radical expressions of your own unique Fierce Flourishing.

TUES, APR 21 @ 7:30pm @ COS

Join us TONIGHT (Tues, Apr 21) @ COS @ 7:30-9:30pm for Courage to Try: Pop & Palette! We are so excited to have Lindsey's aunt joining us to lead in the painting of this beautiful cross (see attachment)!! Just a friendly reminder, there is no childcare for evening meetings.

A few things to make sure are on your calendar as we come to the end of the year...
  • Membership Renewals for the 2015-2016 year will be collected at the next 2 meetings. Cost will remain at$55. Please know you are not required to renew at this time, however, also know that this renewal process allows us as MOPS of Grove, the opportunity to earn a free scholarship from MOPS International, that we will then be able to provide to a mother next year, who may not have otherwise been able to join.
  • WED, May 6: Courage to Be You Bravely: Craft Day. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • **THURS, May 21End of Year BBQ**: (please note date change) Bring the whole family! 5pm @ the Dinosaur Park (next to the splashpad). Bring a sack-dinner for your family, popsicles will be provided  by MOPS!
See you soon!
~Erica Hunt

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

WED, APR 1 @ 9:30am @ COS

Hi ladies! Please read carefully, we have a few last minute changes for activities this week....

Join us this week, WEDNESDAY, April 1: Courage to Be a Mom for our annual Tea & Testimony! 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees). This meeting is one of our favorite ways to wrap up the end of the year - to look back and reflect on, and to share what MOPS has meant to you or done for you and your family! Think about why you joined MOPS in the first place, and what have you gained in doing so? It's a fun celebration!

Also, we still have the Egg Hunt on the calendar for Friday. Howeverthe weather is not looking too promising! So we would like to give the kids an opportunity to do an Egg Hunt on WED during the meeting. MOPPETS will implement it while the mamas attend the regular meeting. So, if you will please bring for each child - 12 filled eggs and something (with child's name on it) to collect eggs. With regard to filling the eggs, please be conscious these are Preschool age and under kids, please no choking hazards, no hard candy, no peanuts. Consider gold fish, animal crackers, or fruit snacks. Please prepare your child beforehand - eggs will not be opened or eaten until after the meeting, when back with mom! If you are not able to get eggs or you forget, we will have extras filled!

  • Play Date: 
  • FRI, APR 3 @ 11am @ Dinosaur Park (next to splashpad). Egg Hunt - bring 12 eggs filled per kid (no hard candy, no peanuts. toys okay!). Check FB and/or email for updates regarding cancellations for weather! 
  • TUES, Apr 21Courage to Try: Pop & Palette 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, May 6: Courage to Be You Bravely: Craft Day. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • THURS, May 21End of Year BBQ: Bring the whole family! 5pm @ the Dinosaur Park (next to the splashpad). Bring a sack-lunch for your family, popsicles will be provided  by MOPS!
See you soon!~Erica

Sunday, March 22, 2015

TUES, MAR 24 @ 7:30pm @ COS

Hi ladies! Hope you are all had a fabulous spring break!

Join us this week TUES, Mar 24Courage to Rest: Spa Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings.

  • NEW THIS YEAR - P.M. meetings will be held every 3rd TUESDAY of the month (Sept-May) from 7:30-9:30pm @ COS.
  • 2014-2015 MOPS of Grove Annual Membership fee = $55, however your first meeting is free, so please come visit us! Scholarships (full and partial) are available and kept anonymous.
  • NEW MEMBERS: please read through your welcome packets, sign and turn in your registration forms!
  • Reminder: childcare is provided through our MOPPETS program, for A.M. meetings only, and the cost is covered in your annual membership fee.
  • Play Dates: 
  • FRI, APR 3 @ 11am @ Dinosaur Park (next to splashpad). Egg Hunt - bring 12 eggs filled per kid (no hard candy, no peanuts. toys okay!) 
  • WED, Apr 1: Courage to Be a Mom: Tea & Testimony. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Apr 21Courage to Try: Pop & Palette 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, May 6: Courage to Be You Bravely: Craft Day. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, May 19End of Year BBQ: Bring the whole family! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
See you soon!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

WED, MAR 4 @ 9:30am @ COS

Hi ladies! Hope you are all enjoying the snow with your little people!

Join us this week WED, Mar 4 for Courage to Forget Comparisons: School Readiness. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).

  • NEW THIS YEAR - P.M. meetings will be held every 3rd TUESDAY of the month (Sept-May) from 7:30-9:30pm @ COS.
  • 2014-2015 MOPS of Grove Annual Membership fee = $55, however your first meeting is free, so please come visit us! Scholarships (full and partial) are available and kept anonymous.
  • NEW MEMBERS: please read through your welcome packets, sign and turn in your registration forms!
  • Reminder: childcare is provided through our MOPPETS program, for A.M. meetings only, and the cost is covered in your annual membership fee.
  • Play Dates: 
  • FRI, APR 3 @ 11am @ Dinosaur Park (next to splashpad). Egg Hunt - bring 12 eggs filled per kid (no hard candy, no peanuts. toys okay!)
  • TUES, Mar 24Courage to Rest: Spa Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, Apr 1: Courage to Be a Mom: Tea & Testimony. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Apr 21Courage to Try: Pop & Palette 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, May 6: Courage to Be You Bravely: Craft Day. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, May 19End of Year BBQ: Bring the whole family! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
See you soon!

Monday, February 2, 2015

WED, FEB 4 @ 9:30am @ COS

Hi ladies! Hope that you enjoyed the bowling playdate on Friday!

Join us this week - WED, Feb 4: Courage to Love People with Dr. Audrey Crawford. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).

Thank you ladies who signed up to bring breakfast this week! Friendly reminder: Jennifer Richard - hot dish, Stacey White - fruit, Cindy Cole - bread item.

For those of you that may not be on FB, thank you for joining us in prayer for our friend Carrie! The surgery did go well, all of the tumor came out in one piece. She should be returning home soon!

  • NEW THIS YEAR - P.M. meetings will be held every 3rd TUESDAY of the month (Sept-May) from 7:30-9:30pm @ COS.
  • 2014-2015 MOPS of Grove Annual Membership fee = $55, however your first meeting is free, so please come visit us! Scholarships (full and partial) are available and kept anonymous.
  • NEW MEMBERS: please read through your welcome packets, sign and turn in your registration forms!
  • Reminder: childcare is provided through our MOPPETS program, for A.M. meetings only, and the cost is covered in your annual membership fee.
  • Play Dates: 
  • WED, FEB 11 @ 9:30am @ COS. Valentine card decorating for nursing homes.
  • FRI, APR 3 @ 11am @ Dinosaur Park (next to splashpad). Egg Hunt - bring 12 eggs filled per kid (no hard candy, no peanuts. toys okay!)
  • TUES, Feb 17Courage to See Greatness in Others: Movie Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, Mar 4: Courage to Forget Comparisons: School Readiness. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Mar 24Courage to Rest: Spa Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, Apr 1: Courage to Be a Mom: Tea & Testimony. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Apr 21Courage to Try: Pop & Palette 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, May 6: Courage to Be You Bravely: Craft Day. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, May 19End of Year BBQ: Bring the whole family! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
Hope to see you all soon!~Erica(918) 801-2926

Monday, January 19, 2015

TUES, JAN 20 @ 7:30pm @ COS

Hi ladies! 

Grab a girlfriend (from all walks of life! do not need to be mops eligible) and join us tomorrow evening TUES, Jan 20 for BUNKO! game night @ 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. There is a $3 buy-in to play, with cash prizes to win!

  • NEW THIS YEAR - P.M. meetings will be held every 3rd TUESDAY of the month (Sept-May) from 7:30-9:30pm @ COS.
  • 2014-2015 MOPS of Grove Annual Membership fee = $55, however your first meeting is free, so please come visit us! Scholarships (full and partial) are available and kept anonymous.
  • NEW MEMBERS: please read through your welcome packets, sign and turn in your registration forms!
  • Reminder: childcare is provided through our MOPPETS program, for A.M. meetings only, and the cost is covered in your annual membership fee.
  • Play Dates: 
    • FRI, JAN 30 @ 10am @ ThunderBowl Lanes 28300 S 620 RD, Grove, OK. $4.75 per kid (includes shoes/1 game)
    • WED, FEB 11 @ 9:30am @ COS. Valentine card decorating for nursing homes.
    • FRI, APR 3 @ 11am @ Dinosaur Park (next to splashpad). Egg Hunt - bring 12 eggs filled per kid (no hard candy, no peanuts. toys okay!)
  • WED, Feb 4: Courage to Love People with Dr. Audrey Crawford. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Feb 17Courage to See Greatness in Others: Move Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, Mar 4: Courage to Forget Comparisons: School Readiness. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Mar 24Courage to Rest: Spa Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, Apr 1: Courage to Be a Mom: Tea & Testimony. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Apr 21Courage to Try: Pop & Palette 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, May 6: Courage to Be You Bravely: Craft Day. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, May 19End of Year BBQ: Bring the whole family! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
Hope to see you all soon!~Erica(918) 801-2926

Sunday, January 4, 2015

WED, JAN 7 @ 9:30am @ COS

Welcome back ladies! Hope you all have enjoyed a healthy and happy Holiday break with your friends & family while celebrating Jesus!!

Perfect timing for all those New Year's Resolutions - grab a mama friend and join us this week WED, JAN 7 for Courage to Face Your Real Mom Fears: yoga & self-defense!! 9:30-11:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).

P.S. we recognize that a lot of people have experienced illness over last few weeks, and are itching to get out of the house and back into a normal routine. WE ALL UNDERSTAND, AND WE WANT TO SEE YOU!! However, please be conscious and considerate of our MOPPETS illness policy when choosing to attend meetings! These can be found on pages 7-8 of the Welcome Packet. In summary: " Please do not bring your children if they have experienced fever, bad cold symptoms, diarrhea, rash, or vomiting in the past 24 hours.  Children under a doctor’s treatment may attend after receiving antibiotics for at least 24 hours for most conditions; 48 hours for strep throat."

  • NEW THIS YEAR - P.M. meetings will be held every 3rd TUESDAY of the month (Sept-May) from 7:30-9:30pm @ COS.
  • 2014-2015 MOPS of Grove Annual Membership fee = $55, however your first meeting is free, so please come visit us! Scholarships (full and partial) are available and kept anonymous.
  • NEW MEMBERS: please read through your welcome packets, sign and turn in your registration forms!
  • Reminder: childcare is provided through our MOPPETS program, for A.M. meetings only, and the cost is covered in your annual membership fee.
  • DATES: TBD - Jan (bowling), Feb (valentine cookie decorating), April (egg hunt)
  • TUES, Jan 20BUNKO! game night, $3 buy-in and bring a friend! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, Feb 4: Courage to Love People with Dr. Audrey Crawford. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Feb 17Courage to See Greatness in Others: Move Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, Mar 4: Courage to Forget Comparisons: School Readiness. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Mar 24Courage to Rest: Spa Night! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, Apr 1: Courage to Be a Mom: Tea & Testimony. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, Apr 21Courage to Try: Pop & Pallet 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
  • WED, May 6: Courage to Be You Bravely: Craft Day. 9:30-11:30am @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Breakfast will be served for the mamas, childcare is provided by MOPPETS (the cost is covered in your annual membership fees).
  • TUES, May 19End of Year BBQ: Bring the whole family! 7:30-9:30pm @ COS (1600 W. HarBer Rd.) Please note: No childcare is provided for night meetings. 
Hope to see you all soon!